Best Architect Recognition for Mountain, Coast, and City

As one year ends and a new year begins, Hacin is grateful for having been recognized on “best architect” lists for mountain, coast, and city by our friends at Mountain Living Magazine, Ocean Home Magazine, and Boston Magazine in the last twelve months. Whether it’s designing within the mountains, by the ocean, or within the city streets of our hometown, we deeply appreciate the recognition from these editorials and look forward to designing more projects within each of these locales in the future!
Mountain Living Magazine included Hacin on their 2025 Top Mountain Architects list for the first time, published in their January/February 2025 issue. With firms from sixteen states making the list, Hacin is one of only two recognized from Massachusetts. You can also read Mountain Living’s feature on our Teton Mountain House from last fall at their website, too!
Ocean Home Magazine included Hacin for the second time in their Top Coastal Architects 2024 list, after our firm made its debut on the list in 2023. We’re thrilled to be included in the roundup of nearly 70 architects from around the country, with many of our New England neighbors! Our Oyster Pond House was featured by the magazine in 2023, showcasing the home’s proximity to both the beach and Chatham’s bustling city center.
Finally, Hacin was awarded its third Best of Boston award last summer for Best Contemporary Architect, landing the spot for the second year in a row during the list’s 50th anniversary. As longtime friends and readers of Boston Magazine and Boston Home, we’re truly grateful to have been a part of such a momentous occasion.
Congratulations to all of our fellow honorees from these publications. We continually feel honored to be a part of such great company! To keep up with other studio updates and happenings, make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.